Urbane Kuenste Ruhr 2014

Urban Lights Ruhr
Light art tour in public space in Hamm

where: Hamm, Germany
when: 25.09 - 11.10.2014

binary waves, cybernetic urban installation
Lippe Kanal, Hamm

curator: Katja Assmann
invited artists:
Jun Yang, plastique fantastique, RaumZeitPiraten, Sans façon, LAb[au]

Centre of International Light Art Unna

about Urban Lights Ruhrs:
The new light format URBAN LIGHTS RUHR invites international artists to address urban problems of the Ruhr area via the medium light. The issue of "Hamm ans Wasser" (Hamm to the waterside) has been occupying planners and citizens for many years. With URBAN LIGHTS RUHR the discourse is to be reopened with new perspectives. A light art tour with works by internationally renowned artists links Hamm city centre with the banks of the river Lippe and the Datteln-Hamm canal and invites to strolling, discovering and frequently to active participation.

Five artists (collectives) in all realize their works in urban Hamm, which has a long and important tradition of light art: the city is a firm component of Europe's light (art) region Hellweg - ein Lichtweg. URBAN LIGHTS RUHR wants to offer the citizens and international artists a platform for participating in Hamm's urban development and giving new impulses.

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